Back pain is the main cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study. There are a variety of conditions that can prompt patients to seek back pain relief. For example, you could be suffering from a disc herniation, a strain, sprain, or spasm, or you could just be under stress, causing your back to tense up.

Your back is made up of a complex web of muscles, tendons, and nerves, and all of these elements allow you to stand and move. Misusing your back is not only painful, but the effects can be lasting.

Luckily, there are some things that can be done to help you find back pain relief.

1. Sleep well.

Your bed can feel like a war zone when you’re in pain, making it difficult to get the rest that you need in order to feel better. Sleeping on your side, with a pillow between your knees, can relieve the strain on your back. If you have to sleep on your back, keep a pillow under your knees.

2. Sit up straight!

Bad posture can really aggravate an already sore back. So, sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed, and your feet flat on the ground. Placing a pillow, rolled towel, or a lumbar support in between your lower back and your chair can really aid in proper posture.

3. Visit a physical therapist.

Physical therapists can teach you how to keep your spine properly aligned, thus easing the strain on your back. They can also teach you exercises that will strengthen the muscles that support your back.

4. Keep moving.

Resting your back too much can have adverse effects. It’s important to limit your downtime and try to engage in physical activity.

5. See a chiropractor.

A spinal adjustment can do wonders for relieving back pain. A chiropractor can also suggest stretches and exercises that will ease back pain.

6. Contact us for your back pain relief!

At Atlanta Medical Clinic, we have a whole team of physicians who are highly qualified to help you find back pain relief. In fact, we have physical therapists and chiropractors on staff. Call us to make an appointment today!