osgood-schlatters-disease-reliefOsgood-Shlatters Disease is a common cause of knee pain and is known as an overuse injury. Typically, patients are children and young athletes between the ages 10 and 15 that are experiencing a period of rapid growth combined with a high level of sport activity. Young adolescents that participate in sports such as soccer, gymnastics, basketball, and dance are most at risk for this disease.

The pain from Osgood-Schlatters Disease is caused by inflammation of the tendon below the kneecap where it attaches to the shinbone. The inflamed area is almost always tender when pressure is applied.

Once diagnosed, the first and foremost treatment is aimed at reducing the swelling and inflammation. This includes anti-inflammatory medicine, knee wraps, and knee braces. Depending on severity, this may require several months rest in order for the child to enjoy physical activity without pain in the future.

It is always a good idea to check with a medical provider regarding any knee injury. Dr. Tim Dembowski is a trained medical practitioner that specializes in pain management. Dr. Dembowski and his staff at Atlanta Medical Clinic provide the best treatment options for knee pain and injuries, including Osgood-Schlatters. Further examination may also be suggested depending on the severity of the pain. Contact Dr. Dembowski and his staff today for more information on Osgood-Schlatters disease and other painful knee injuries.