Spider veins and varicose veins are both common issues that affect people from all walks of life. Our circulatory system is designed so that veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. For a part of that journey, the circulatory system is fighting against gravity. There are valves in the veins that stop blood flowing backward. If those valves don’t work efficiently, blood can pool in superficial veins close to the skin. At our vein treatment clinic we can diagnose those veins, and suggest treatments depending on their type and severity.

Are varicose and spider veins the same?

Spider veins and varicose veins are caused by similar issues with the valves in the veins. It’s easy to confuse the two based on appearance alone, but they’re not the same. Here, we’ll explore the main differences, and how these conditions can be treated.

Spider veins vs. varicose veins – what’s the difference?

Spider veins are typically smaller than varicose veins, and tend to be very close to the skin. Varicose veins are usually larger, and run deeper. In addition, spider veins can affect the legs or face. Varicose veins are limited to the legs. Spider veins aren’t painful, but varicose veins can lead to swelling, cramps and pain.

Do spider veins become varicose veins?

Spider veins don’t cause varicose veins, or get worse to become varicose. However, the opposite can happen, with varicose veins causing swelling that leads to the appearance of spider veins. Untreated varicose veins can also lead to other complications, such as blood clots, wounds that take a long time to heal, and ruptured veins.

Do I have spider veins or varicose veins?

If you have visible or swollen veins on your face or legs, it’s worth having a professional at a vein treatment clinic evaluate them. They’ll be able to diagnose the cause of the swelling and visible veins, and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

How to get rid of varicose and spider veins?

The best treatment for varicose and spider veins depends on the location of the veins, and their severity. At Atlanta Medical Clinic we use non-surgical spider vein treatment options that reduce the appearance of those veins, and in the case of varicose veins can close off the vein, preventing potential future complications such as wounds, ruptured veins or blood clots.

Our vein treatment clinic uses minimally invasive treatments that can offer rapid and lasting results, helping you feel more confident in your appearance and your health.

If you’d like to know more about our vein treatment clinic and how we can help you with your spider or varicose veins, give us a call today to request a consultation.