No one deserves to live with the discomfort and self-consciousness brought about by spider veins. Our dedicated team of professionals at Atlanta Medical Clinic specializes in a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that promises to restore the youthful look and feel your legs once had. In this article, you will learn how you can get rid of spider veins in less than an hour with sclerotherapy, a safe, effective non-surgical treatment for spider veins.

What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy treats spider veins in a non-surgical way so you can get back to your busy life without any recovery time. This spider vein treatment involves our Atlanta Medical Clinic experts injecting a special solution directly into the targeted areas. Known as a sclerosant, this solution irritates the lining of the spider veins, which causes them to collapse over time and seal shut. When this happens, your body absorbs the vein that closed, then redirects blood flow through other healthier veins. Because your body absorbs the targeted vein, the area fades for significantly reduced visibility.

How Long Does Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins Last?

Results from spider vein treatment vary from patient to patient. Many patients, however, find their treated spider veins completely disappear and never return. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t ever develop spider veins again. For that reason, many patients get periodic sclerotherapy touch-ups to treat any new areas that arise. After sclerotherapy, the targeted spider veins typically fade within a few weeks. Lifestyle factors like how much you sit, stand, and exercise as well as the amount of sun exposure you get, can impact whether or not new spider veins develop.

Do Spider Veins Go Away After Sclerotherapy?

Whether or not spider veins go away after sclerotherapy depends on several factors, including individual responses to the non-surgical treatment. For instance, mild spider veins may fade quickly after treatment, while more severe cases may take longer to disappear — or may even require multiple sessions. Likewise, larger veins often take longer to fade when compared with smaller ones. Like with the development of new spider veins, reduction in visibility also depends on whether you follow instructions well, such as wearing compression stockings as advised and avoiding prolonged standing and sitting.

What Should You Not Do After Sclerotherapy?

Patients who’ve undergone a non-surgical sclerotherapy procedure shouldn’t engage in strenuous exercise for a day or two afterward because the increase in circulation and blood pressure may hinder the healing process. You should also avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods to ensure blood circulates properly, and opt for quick showers over hot baths and saunas as heat can dilate blood vessels, interfering with your treatment. Keeping the treated area out of the sun for two weeks can prevent hyperpigmentation.

Is One Session of Sclerotherapy Enough?

While most patients can see dramatic results from a single spider vein treatment, others may require multiple treatments to get the best possible results. The results you get usually depend on the severity of the spider veins and how much you want to improve their appearance. Also, many patients get touch-ups at regular intervals to maintain their results.
When you’re looking for a fast, safe and effective spider vein treatment, look to Atlanta Medical Clinic. Our sclerotherapy professionals can help your legs look and feel their best in less than an hour with this non-invasive, non-surgical treatment. Contact us for a consultation today for assistance you can trust.