The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and consists of three bones and several muscles and tendons that work as a unit. Damage to any of those components can result in pain and reduced motion, making it difficult to complete daily activities like brushing teeth, throwing a softball, and eating a meal. Most patients opt for surgery to treat shoulder pain. However, a surgical procedure isn’t always effective for shoulder pain. The good news is that surgery isn’t your only option. Below are five non-surgical ways to treat shoulder pain.

Type of Shoulder Pain You May Experience

There are four main types of shoulder pain you may experience, including;

  • Aching shoulder pain may be constant and feels difficult to pinpoint or deep. It may also make it difficult to sleep. This type of shoulder pain is often the result of rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder, a SLAP tear, polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), rotator cuff tendonitis, and shoulder arthritis.
  • Sharp shoulder pain feels sharp or piercing. It’s usually due to a frozen shoulder, AC joint arthritis, or shoulder impingement syndrome.
  • Shooting or radiating shoulder pain occurs when a pinched nerve causes a shooting pain that travels up the neck or down the neck. Other causes include brachial plexus neuritis and brachial plexus injuries.
  • Warm or burning shoulder is often due to inflammation and is an indication that your immune system is working to repair damaged tissue or defend the body against infection. Leading causes include shoulder bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and an infection in or around the shoulder.

Non-Surgical Treatments for Shoulder Pain

As a leading pain management center, we offer a variety of non-surgical treatments to eliminate your pain and restore function. We create a personalized treatment program that may include;

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a crucial component of treating shoulder pain. It targets multiple areas that can mitigate and treat shoulder pain. Under the guidance of an experienced physical therapist, the treatment can strengthen shoulder muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce inflammation. It can also improve range of motion and correct shoulder joint or upper back positions that may aggravate your pain.

Chiropractic Care

Pain, wherever it may occur, is often caused by a strained or misaligned musculoskeletal system. Chiropractic care can help realign the musculoskeletal system and alleviate your shoulder pain.

Injection-based Treatment

Injection-based procedures seek to treat the source of your shoulder pain, which may include frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tears, shoulder osteoarthritis, and sub-acromial bursitis, among others. Shoulder injections are both therapeutic and diagnostic and go a long way toward reducing inflammation and pain. Trigger point injections and corticosteroid injections are just a few of the interventional medicine treatments we offer.

Braces and Support

Immobilizing your shoulder with a brace or sling can aid your recovery and reduce discomfort from shoulder pain. Shoulder braces and slings range from ultra-durable ones that greatly restrict movement to lightweight vests that protect the AC joint. In addition to accelerating recovery, braces protect against further injury and provide compression.

Oral Medications

Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen can help with shoulder pain. Our team may also prescribe stronger pain medication to reduce pain and inflammation. Pain prescription medication is particularly beneficial for patients experiencing tendonitis, rotator cuff injuries, and arthritis.

Shoulder Pain Treatment in Atlanta, GA

If you are experiencing shoulder problems and want to address them without going under the knife, consult our experts at Atlanta Medical Clinic. We are a leading pain management center dedicated to providing relief through non-invasive treatments.

Contact us by calling 404-872-8837 or scheduling an appointment now.