In a nutshell, diabetes is in a metabolic condition that affects the way our bodies can convert food into energy. Why is this problematic for the some 100 million Americans suffering from the disease every day? It’s because this resistance to converting sugar into energy can cause other health problems that impact our eyesight, our veins and circulatory system, and our ability to heal wounds on our skin, hands, legs, and toes.

Here are five lifestyle changes you can make to help your diabetes better from the experts at Atlanta Medical Clinic:

1 Be Active Everyday

Most healthcare professionals, as well as leaders in national health, will tell you to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day. Going for a bike ride, a hike at a local trail or a brisk walk around the neighborhood are great ways to reach this quota, and you can do it with a friend!

2 Maintain a healthy BMI

Your BMI (Body mass index) is a ratio that compares your height versus your weight to determine if you are in a healthy weight range. For most people, a healthy BMI can range from 18.5-24.9. If your BMI is more than 25, you are considered overweight. A higher BMI raises the risk of having uncontrolled diabetes and complications related to it, such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and nervous system, and eye problems. To calculate yours, use this BMI calculator.

3 Eat Nutritiously, Not Artificially

The temptation to buy quick, cheap, fast food is certainly a big thing these days, especially with the uptick in UberEats and other delivery services, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthfully. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible, and opt for a diet full of raw fruits and vegetables with each meal.

2 Supplements

Vitamin deficiencies can exacerbate many symptoms of diabetes, and therefore taking a multivitamin that includes support for vision, as well as B vitamins, which help stabilize the metabolism, are healthy lifestyle changes that you can easily adopt! Set a timer each morning or evening to remind yourself when to take them.

1 Visit a health care provider who understands diabetes

By regularly visiting a healthcare provider, your diabetes can be more properly and thoroughly managed. In Atlanta, our staff of medical professionals is deeply versed in diabetic treatments including diabetic relief, an innovation infusion therapy system, as well as advanced wound care, vein treatments, and more.

The best tool we have to stay healthy is knowledge. To learn about how to manage your Type 1, Type 2, or pre-diabetes, come see the medical experts at Atlanta Medical Clinic. We are pioneering some of the most exciting treatments for diabetes and would love to help anyone in the Atlanta area to help manage their symptoms. Contact us today to book your free consultation!